• BMT has increased its sponsorship of the SIA. Credit: Defence
    BMT has increased its sponsorship of the SIA. Credit: Defence

BMT Group has taken on a higher level of sponsorship of the Submarine Institute of Australia (SIA).
Established in 1999, the SIA is the nation’s premier organisation for promoting submarine matters. The SIA’s objective is to promote informed discussion and research in the fields of submarine operations, engineering, history and commercial sub-sea engineering.
David Bright, Sector Director for Defence at BMT Group says: “Our sponsorship of the SIA will support their work in facilitating informed debate and the sharing of reputable knowledge across the submarine enterprise. We look forward to our continued participation in this community”.
BMT has expanded its presence in Australia through its subsidiary BMT Design & Technology, and after ten years in the market is able to provide a comprehensive range of engineering design, analysis, procurement and sustainment services to support Australia’s naval materiel. BMT also benefits from the capabilities of other companies within the group which have knowledge and experience of working closely with Australian clients.  
President of the SIA, Andy Keough, expressed a warm welcome to BMT assuming a Ruby sponsorship, commenting: “We like to compare the SIA with the Royal Aeronautical Society, covering as it does the full spectrum of professional involvement in aerospace. The SIA likewise covers the undersea domain and as such welcomes the sponsorship of internationally eminent companies such as BMT to our sponsorship community.  
"That BMT has agreed to take such a high level is a wonderful vote of confidence in the future of the submarine enterprise here in Australia, and provides us with access to impartial and professional international expertise.”
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