Budget + Policy

The Defence Reserves Support Council (DRSC) will be dissolved at the end of 2019.

New Zealand has begun implementing updated procurement rules that ban offsets but outline requirements for ‘broader outcomes’.

Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price has launched the strategy at the Pacific International Maritime Exposition 2019.

Australia has become the world’s second largest weapons importer but has dropped to 25th in the export rankings.

Australia will need to shift its domestic energy policies to ensure the Pacific step-up achieves its strategic goals.

A new ASPI report argues that defence industry must outperform other national industries in order to deliver an overall benefit to the economy.

A range of speakers convened at the WA Indo-Pacific Defence conference this week to cover the role the state has to play in meeting Australia’s future strategic challenges.

Minister for Veterans and Defence Personnel Darren Chester has launched the fourth Defence Reconciliation Action Plan.

ASPI has released a report arguing that Australia’s national security planning should also include important companies and their supply chains.

The influence of the natural environment on military operations is as old as the battles of antiquity where soldiers and sailors fought against weather and terrain as much as they did their enemy.

Before defence wonks get too excited, it is worth looking at whether this is the news that will finally bring music to NATO ears.

PM Scott Morrison has announced his new ministry following the Coalition's victory in the federal election.

Defence planners don’t like surprises. Particularly those planners who are trying to match dollars to projects.

Defence has signed a deal with the Fijian government on the planned upgrade of the Blackrock police and peacekeeper training camp.

The current government has set Defence on an excellent course in terms of funding and planning priorities.

The Defence community’s biggest challenge in answering the call of the Budget this year will literally be getting the money out the door and into programs.