
Northrop Grumman Australia currently provides products and services in support of a broad range of capabilities for ADF, Australian government agencies, and international customers.

This includes the provision of sustainment capability to systems including Royal Australian Air Force B737-700IGW and Challenger CL604 special purpose aircraft, PC-9 and Hawk 127 trainers, E-7A Wedgetail AEW&C aircraft, F/A-18F Super Hornet strike and EA-18G Growler electronic attack aircraft, and KC-30A Multi Role Tanker Transport.

Northrop Grumman also provides communications systems and sensors for RAAF C-17A, KC-30A, C-130J, C-27J, F/A-18A, 737-700IGW, and CL604, is a key industry partner on E-7A, F/A-18A/B, F/A-18F, EA-18G and F-35A aircraft, and is prime contractor for the MQ-4C Triton and MQ-8C Fire Scout unmanned systems.

Northrop Grumman has also delivered robust integrated C4ISREW systems for the ADF, and is a leading provider of simulation, satellite ground station, secure communications and cyber security systems to the ADF and government agencies.

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Click here to link to Northrop Grumman Australia ’s contact details or find their details in the latest edition of the Directory.


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