• Williamtown Upgrade. 

Credit: Downer Group
    Williamtown Upgrade. Credit: Downer Group

Downer has completed work on the RAAF Base Williamtown upgrade project.

“Downer was privileged to be involved in this project from the outset, providing construction advice to the Commonwealth during the planning stages, to subsequently delivering these important upgrades," said the General Manager, Defence Major Projects at Downer, Jamie Flood.

The $180 million upgrade, completed as part of the Security and Estate Group-led National Airfield Program, will allow Code E aircraft including the Airbus A330 (and the Royal Australian Air Force's KC-30A variant) to takeoff and land at the base.

“The works required significant coordination with the military and civilian airfield operators to ensure that there were minimal disruptions to aircraft operations."

“We’re pleased to have successfully delivered another major project to support Defence capability, delivering outcomes to help safeguard Australia’s future.”

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