• Mike Kalms. 

Credit: KordaMentha
    Mike Kalms. Credit: KordaMentha

KordaMentha has launched a Defence and National Security Practice, with two leaders appointed as joint practice leads.

“We’re looking forward to working with agencies and organisations across Australia’s Defence and National Security landscape as they navigate a challenging strategic environment," said one of the two co-leads, Joshua Rodgers.

Rodgers is an engineer with over 20 years’ experience working with clients in the defence space. He has worked with ASC on the Collins class submarine program, including the ongoing Life of Type Extension (LOTE) effort.

Mike Kalms, KordaMentha's other co-lead for the company's Defence and National Security Practice, comes to the role following three decades of service in the Australian Defence Force. He has been involved in the creation of Defence White Papers and is currently serving in the Australian Army Reserve.

"KordaMentha’s DNA in restructuring, turnaround, and rapid action to improve performance, combined with the extensive expertise Josh and I bring, will enable us to provide a dedicated, market-leading service with no vested interests or engagements,” said Kalms.

Both join KordaMentha from KPMG's Defence practice.

“Importantly, being fiercely independent - with no audit or tax services - will undoubtedly help us to deliver evidenced insights to leaders and partners across the Defence and National Security sector."


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