• Defence Innovation Partnership Director Sumen Rai and Associate Director Dr Matthew Richmond.

Credit: DefenceSA
    Defence Innovation Partnership Director Sumen Rai and Associate Director Dr Matthew Richmond. Credit: DefenceSA

The Defence Innovation Partnership will soon be accepting applications from South Australian industry and researchers under the latest round of its Activator Fund, with a total of $2.4m available.

Launched in 2023, Activator is designed to speed up the translation of innovative defence technology into real world capability for the Australian Defence Force.

“The current geopolitical environment is presenting us with never-before-seen challenges which in turn requires innovation and new ways of doing things,” said Defence SA Chief Executive Matt Opie.

This round of Activator will seek projects under two themes: Understanding and countering influence and Scalable distributed active sensing and sensemaking systems: Enable early warning and increased situational awareness for chemical hazards.

Proposals will be sought from consortia led by South Australian universities and industry and involving Department of Defence partners, as well as other national and international partners.

Information sessions will be held for interested parties to hear about the challenges, meet potential project partners and learn about the grant application and selection process.

  • Understanding and countering influence: Friday 21 June, 1pm.
  • Scalable distributed active sensing and sensemaking systems: Friday 28 June, 10am.

Information sessions will be held for interested parties to hear about the challenges, meet potential project partners and learn about the grant application and selection process.

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