• One of the Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard AW139s.

Credit: Bristow Group
    One of the Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard AW139s. Credit: Bristow Group

Nova Systems’ next-generation mission system solution has been successfully tested, delivered and accepted into service for two AW139 law enforcement and search and rescue (SAR) helicopters, operated by Bristow Netherlands B.V. for the Dutch Caribbean Coast Guard.

“Working closely with Bristow, Nova Systems designed and integrated a bespoke mission system that provides consistent capabilities throughout the fleet and is able to continually evolve with technology changes or new requirements," said Nova Systems CEO Dean Rosenfield.

"The same technologies and design will also be used to support further mission system integration contracts with Bristow for the second-generation UK Search and Rescue program and Irish Search and Rescue service."

To deliver on the contract, Nova Systems leveraged the technical and engineering expertise of its design, Systems Integration Lab and production capabilities based in Corsham, UK. It was also supported by a global network of technology
partners and suppliers.

"“With a full suite of tactical communication and leading-edge surveillance and detection technologies – supported by Nova Systems-led certification and training – our mission system provides Bristow with an enhanced ability to perform the coast
guard and search and rescue mission more effectively," said Nova Systems International Managing Director, Gareth Dyer.

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