• Tiger P2. 

Credit: Texelis
    Tiger P2. Credit: Texelis

PT Sentra Surya Ekajaya (PT SSE) and French company Texelis have unveiled their new P2 Tiger Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) at an event in Jakarta.

The APC can be configured to meet STANAG 4569 level 2 to 4 standards for protection.

"The main difference between P2 Tiger and our previous developments is the independent suspension system, as well as all the technological advantages which make Celeris much more modern than the conventional technology we used before," said PT SSE's Technology Director. 

The 18-ton vehicle integrates a PT SSE designed armoured hull and superstructure with Texelis' Celeris mobility platform. The Celeris platform is derived from work undertaken as part of the development of the French Army’s Serval 4x4 APC. It combines a 375hp, 8.9L engine from Cummins, an automatic 6-speed transmission from Allison, a transfer case from Powerline, as well as Texelis' own axles and software.

"One year ago, we signed a commitment to support PT SSE in their development and production efforts, and here we are now in front of a beautiful vehicle. Our teams have worked as one and we have grown immensely together on this wonderful adventure. Now we can go forward together and build success for P2 Tiger," said Texelis CEO Jean Vandel.

Development of the vehicle commenced in 2024 when a contract was signed between PT SSE and Texelis. It will now be developed into an Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) configuration.






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