Systematic has successfully deployed its SitaWare Headquarters battle management system (BMS) for Army's All Corps Captains Course (ACCC).
“We hope to build on this success and soon expand SitaWare’s use to the Majors Course. If we reach those milestones, then we will considerably expand on the number of Australian Army officers trained in SitaWare Headquarters each year,” said Systematic's Brisbane Project Manager, Kevin Pamenter.
"While many are still learning all that it can do, they quickly realised that SitaWare has significantly improved the rate at which critical information is transferred across the battlespace,” an ACCC instructor said.
In July 2023 Systematic was selected to provide the SitaWare BMS as part of Project Land 200 Phase 3 Tranche 1. The company had provided elements of SitWare to Army since 2019, however, in 2021 following the removal from service of Elbit's BMS solution SitWare was selected to provide an interim BMS capability.
“This decision comes after extremely rigorous testing and evaluation of SitaWare by the Australian Army during the selection and deployment as an interim BMS (iBMS) solution, to ensure they had a fit-for-purpose and future-proof solution. SitaWare’s commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) design means that it is regularly updated, is well supported, and requires minimum development work for it to meet Australian requirements," Systematic's Vice President for the Asia-Pacific Region, David Horton, said at the time.