• USAF CAPT Andrew Olson performs aerial manoeuvres over Fort Worth, Texas.
    USAF CAPT Andrew Olson performs aerial manoeuvres over Fort Worth, Texas. USAF
  • The Defendtex Hydra launches from the water during Exercise Autonomous Warrior 2018.
    The Defendtex Hydra launches from the water during Exercise Autonomous Warrior 2018. Defence
  • CDF Gen Angus Campbell and Papua New Guinea CDF Major General Gilbert Toropo signing the certificate of transfer.
    CDF Gen Angus Campbell and Papua New Guinea CDF Major General Gilbert Toropo signing the certificate of transfer. RAN
  • Defence
  • Aircraft Research and Development Unit personnel celebrating the 75th anniversary at RAAF Edinburgh.
Nigel Pittaway
    Aircraft Research and Development Unit personnel celebrating the 75th anniversary at RAAF Edinburgh. Nigel Pittaway
  • A view of Hawaii taken by the NOAA’s new GOES-17 satellite.
    A view of Hawaii taken by the NOAA’s new GOES-17 satellite. NOAA
  • The event is aimed at promoting a career in submarines to schoolchildren.
Re-Engineering Australia
    The event is aimed at promoting a career in submarines to schoolchildren. Re-Engineering Australia
  • Former RAAF members and their families queuing to see an Orion at RAAF Edinburgh.
    Former RAAF members and their families queuing to see an Orion at RAAF Edinburgh. Defence
  • The ANGELS website will guide space start-ups.
    The ANGELS website will guide space start-ups. iStock

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